Monday, October 1, 2018

A new season

The girl who never wanted to compete in Gymnastics comps entered her second championship a week or so back and proceeded to win the grand handstand competition, outright, for her level, even beating girls with some really unusual technique. Ella's been practising for that one her whole life (well almost)!!

Meanwhile the weather here has been really warming up. We celebrated today's 22oC perfect Spring weather with a drive out to "Sculpture in the Paddock" in the beautiful 50 acre paddock in the grounds of Shaw Vineyard at Murrumbateman.
There were some big names exhibiting in this exhibition - and we thought the standard was at least as good as at Sculpture on Clyde at the Snow property at Bawley Point.

Michael Le Grand, for one, is a pretty big name in this part of the world and he had a few works in the exhibition ….….. 
We liked the way "Connect the Dots" looked in the landscape - very finely balanced.
But this monumental work by Harrie Fisher "The Last Charge" was our favourite……. capturing the intensity of the last charge of the Light Horse at the Battle of Beersheba in 1917......
This "Solitary Tree" by Ulan Murray created a lot of interest ……..
We didn't appreciate these "Coloured Boys" too much, but we did love the background cacophony of sheep baa-ing in the far paddock.
And the old gum trees in the paddock were just as beautiful as the art work (and even more beautiful than many).
There were a few Tobias Bennett works - we'd loved his elephants at Sculpture on Clyde - he'd brought rabbits to Shaw Vineyard

This beautiful work by Sasha Reid was awarded First Prize in this exhibition.

And another beautiful Tobias Bennett work………
We thought Keith Bender's "Disencumbered" looked a bit caterpillar like ………….
I can't believe we've never been to Shaw Vineyard before. It's had an undistinguished restaurant for quite a few years but this new building housing the cellar door and wine tastings looks pretty amazing. We'll have to go back!!

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