Wednesday, May 22, 2024

London life

It was a regular London Wednesday for Joel & Kay & fam yesterday (apart from Joel being home on holidays this week) so we were lucky enough to be invited along too for all the regular Wednesday plans.

First up was Jazzy's Wednesday morning story telling session at the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington - a fairly short no. 9 bus ride from Hammersmith.

What an amazing setting for story telling - we thought it sure beats the Woden Public Library - and the coffee is really good here too!
Us, and Jazzy, outside the magnificent Royal Albert Hall.

This area is part of London's museum district so it was only a short walk from the Albert Hall to the beautiful Victoria and Albert Museum (the V & A). 

We had lunch at the V & A and I was able to reacquaint myself with the wondrous Dale Chihuly glass installation in the museum foyer.
Kay urged us to also take a look at the nearby Natural History Museum on our way back to the Underground. We didn't have a lot of time to spare but just a short visit revealed how amazing this place is too.

We had to get back to Hammersmith in time for the end of Vincent's school day and the walk to his regular tennis lesson in nearby Brook Green. Vincent applies himself with his usual focus - no matter what the activity is.
The rain deluge really set in from this point - while the kids kept on playing. Joel says nothing stops for rain in London (otherwise nothing would happen!). we looked a bit longingly over at the cosy little pub just over the road from the tennis courts as the rain (and the cold) intensified.
We ended off the day with another delicious meal cooked by Kay (bibimbap) and more playtime and storytime with Vincent and Jazzy before bedtime. We had another rain soaked walk back to our airbnb at the end of the day, in the fading light. The weather is predicted to improve over the next day or so they say.

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