Saturday, May 25, 2024

A special day

Davey and Cath hosted a very special family get together at their beautiful house in NE London yesterday. It was a long drive for Joel (in the hired people mover) with all the crowded roads around Wembley Stadium, but we finally arrived to this glorious welcoming sight on a glorious London Spring afternoon ............
The house opens to this beautiful back garden too - perfect for games and soothing the soul ...............
It's been a long while since we've all been together, so there was a lot to catch up on.
Ivy engages so well with everyone - young and old. She was the life of the party ..........
This conversation went on for a very long time .......

Ivy was in charge of perfume making, with all those rose petals around ..........

And the polaroid camera was a big hit!
Davey was in charge of cooking the salmon (outdoors in the pizza oven).
and Cath did everything else - a perfect meal in a perfect setting!

Even Mikey the cat got in on the action. He's such an unusual cat in that he seems to enjoy hanging out with children and likes water! Mikey was actually encouraging Jazzy to give him this shower!!!
#stumblorpinball is allowed 2 machines in the house - where does he keep the rest of the collection?
Things got wilder as the afternoon wore on.
An historic family shot - thank you Joel!
It was very hard saying goodbye to this beautiful (our) family at the end of the day. Rob and I are lucky to be able to see them (and stay with them) next week - but for the rest it was very hard that our visit had come to an end. Such special times for us!!

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