Wednesday, May 22, 2024

In London

It was a long day for us on Monday with our 1.20 flight from Dublin delayed until 6.00pm. But once we landed in London - on time - all went to plan. Ros and Pete were there waiting for us at Hammersmith Station and walked back with us to our airbnb on Colwith Road down by the Thames.

It felt great to be here in London with them, looking ahead to lots of family time and seeing so many people out enjoying sunset on the river in such warm, balmy conditions.

Sunset on Hammersmith Bridge on Monday night............

We were excited to meet up with Joel, Kay and Jasmine (Jazzy) yesterday morning and start our London adventures together. We caught up over a relaxed brunch at the historic Olympic Studios in Barnes (a 2 and 1/2 klm walk from our airbnb here in Hammersmith) while Jazzy slowly warmed to the company of another pair of oldies from Australia.

Although the Olympic Studios have reverted to their original role as a cinema and cafe, it was amazing to think of so many of our music heroes recording all their important albums here - the Rolling Stones, Hendrix, Dylan, Stevie Wonder, the Beatles (they recorded their Get Back album here!!!) and so many more.
As rain showers started we caught an Uber back to Joel and Kay's apartment afterwards and spent the rest of the day there - as the weather gradually worsened and the rain got heavier.

Joel made us a batch of his famous scones (with jam and clotted cream) - with tea served in a vintage Royal Albert tea set ........... we're in Britain after all!

And Jazzy started to warm to our unfamiliar presence and we were able to have a few hours of fun playing with her ........
until Vincent's school day ended and we could go and walk home with him. We had hours of fun then with the two of them - sometimes playing quietly, but rowdy and wild games too - we had a ball! there was even some dancing involved once Vincent got started on his Lion King repertoire.

Kay made us the most delicious Korean dish, Galbi-jjim for dinner, a special occasion meal based on marinated slow cooked beef short ribs - so yummy! We had the best fun just playing, eating and talking together until bedtime came around for Vincent and Jasmine. 
The walk back to our airbnb down by the river was drizzly wet and we had a lot of puddles to avoid. It stays light until quite late here in London at this time of the year which made it a bit safer for walking in the conditions. Unfortunately the rain looks set to continue!

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