Those hats and the cotton voile dresses were a bit of a tribute to the hippie times. My sister's dresses were made out of a Zandra Rhodes printed fabric featuring purple and brown feather and stripe motifs. Like Wow Man.

In 1972 Rob and I:
- Got married on Saturday 8 January at the Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, Ipswich Road, Annerley Brisbane
- Spent our honeymoon at Port Macquarie
- Lived in a flat at 27 Wambool Street, Bulimba from January – Easter 1972
- Jude got her driving licence in Brisbane
- Moved to Canberra at Easter with all our possessions in our VW Beetle
- Stayed for a nice long time at the Brassey Hostel in Barton on our arrival in Canberra
- Rob worked for the Commonwealth Audit Office in Canberra
- Jude got a job at Georges Fabric Store (where Ken Cook is now at Bailey’s Corner) until a Public Service job came up in the Department of Navy later in the year
- Rented a 2 bedroom flat at Endeavour Gardens, Launceston Street Lyons when we had to move out of Brassey Hostel
- Both turned 21, allowing us to vote for the first time in the historic election in early December when the Australian Labor Party defeated the Liberal/ Country Coalition which had been in power for 23 years. Gough Whitlam became Prime Minister of Australia ending conscription and introducing universal health care, fee free tertiary education and legal aid, and ordered home all the remaining Australian troops in Vietnam. Such exciting times!
But look how far we've come now in the short space of 40 years!
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