FORM Studio and Gallery
The beautiful Form Studio and Gallery at 1/30 Aurora Avenue Queanbeyan was officially opened on Saturday afternoon by the Mayor of Queanbeyan, Mr Tim Overall. I had not seen the interior space before so I was blown away when I walked in and saw Maxie and Claire's spectacular opening exhibition "Setting the Scene". Maxie's large expressive portrait sculptures really captured attention in the front centre of this beautifully lit gallery space.
Claire's black and white prints and bold yet contemplative paintings lined the walls.. leading us as viewers around the various "rooms" that comprise this gallery.
It was a chance for all the family to gather in Queanbeyan, including Joel and Imogen from Brisbane and Erin from Melbourne. I captured the three of them in intense conversation as they were standing in front of Claire's Too Much on her Plate series of prints.
I soon found out what Erin was telling them...amazing, but BIG and wonderful news! The news was really the icing on the cake for members of our family on this special weekend.
This spectacular portrait of Imogen also shows one of Claire's beautifully lit paintings in the background.
..and people kept coming back to this expressive group of ceramic heads...
Maxie and Claire were kept very busy handling all the enquiries, the sales and the excitement, with the crowds milling about. It was a HUGE opening.
The seven year old was a perfect host, in between being the chief taster of all the opening show hors d'oevres.
In amongst the crowd you might see me against the white wall in the corner, introducing Mr Tim Overall before he officially opened the gallery and its first exhibition.
Two of our favourite girls, each with similarly timed BIG news, listened intently.
......and in the (right hand side) background you can see our favourite print: Claire's Balancing Act2.
The show continues, every day from 10.00am-3.00pm, until the end of August. Don't miss it.
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