It was a BIG thing for Ella to wait (nervously) backstage (for ages) without her Mummy and Daddy for her class's performance to begin. But once on stage, in front of the big audience, she didn't stop smiling and kept on making all the right moves!
We ended off this weekend of glorious Canberra winter weather (15 - 16oC max) that included some intensive gardening for Mum, and the usual Sunday morning gym session, (with freshly made fruit bagels after from the Woden Farmer's Market) with a wonderful long lunch with S and D and baby Yasmin.
S has the most wonderful palate and an exotic food background so lunch was amazing, with lots of original touches: interesting olive dips with fig vincotta, pomegranate & cos lettuce salads, Middle Eastern and Asian influenced dressings on fusion dishes that just worked!!
Baby Yasmin is just gorgeous but is at an age (just four months) where she keeps both her Mummy and Daddy very busy and awake lots at night. So it is doubly amazing that they still make the time to cook so beautifully and still invite their friends over for lunch (lucky us!).