By yesterday afternoon Rob and I were both feeling fantastic after our week in Bali especially after our second lunch in a week at the wonderful Indus restaurant. We even had a Janet De Neefe sighting. She was doing lunch with some very important people - no doubt more planning for the seventh Ubud Writer's Festival coming up in October. The Indus was crowded, the food was fantastic, the staff were all really on their toes with Janet around. We really enjoyed the buzz!
With all the ceremonies going on there has been a really festive air about all the streets of the village. In their very glamorous ceremonial dress, careful makeup and up swept hair the women look fabulous especially sitting decorously sideways as pillion passengers scooting off to the temples. Their partners all look really handsome too in man sarongs and batik headscarves.
Unfortunately Rob has not been well enough to leave our hotel room today to enjoy our last full day in Ubud together. I put it down to the snacks we ate last night from a market stall. I ate exactly the same thing and had no ill effects...but that is Rob and his dicky stomach for you. It's the reason why 35 years ago when we travelled around Europe for 8 months as young backpackers Rob lost about 7 kilos and I gained 7 kilos. He got sick in Leningrad eating some dicey Borscht and never really recovered until we got back to England, no matter how much schnapps he drank or how much Immodium he took.
He spent a quiet day sleeping and recovering while I visited many shops that Rob finds boring, swam in the pool, had another massage and enjoyed a beautiful lunch at Wayan's Cafe, just opposite our hotel. (on my own!) It was rather beautiful sitting facing Wayan's gorgeous garden as I enjoyed my solitary lunch (while thinking of Rob).
Rob was feeling much better tonight and was able to join me on the balcony for our last evening in Ubud. A glass of Bintang (no snacks for Rob) and the sound of the frogs and geckoes in the rice paddies, and the gamelan orchestras in the distance as the light fades over this special part of the world.
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