Sunday, October 18, 2020


Another reason I love October is that it means it's time for our weekend together at Thredbo. This year we were allowed to take the girls up with us, in our new car - on Friday afternoon (taking an early mark from school). The weather forecast for the weekend was not good so we were glad to get a good session in at the park with them before the wild weather started.

That night, with everyone feeling hungry we had to brave really heavy rain navigating the short distance from "Snowgoose" through the village square and down the stairs to the Alpine Hotel Bistro.

Abi just attacked her cheeseburger that night - losing a tooth in the process (it was already VERY loose) - a dramatic start to the meal!

They both ate well on Friday night.
Saturday dawned cold wet and windy, as predicted. Josh and Jody had arrived well after 9.00pm the previous night but they were both up for an active day with the girls. Even with all the strict COVID precautions in place Joshy was able to swim some laps with the girls and then we were able to book the whole of the beautiful Sports Hall at the Thredbo Leisure Centre for our own use - for HOURS.

Late Saturday we had Claire and Pete C. join us for drinks in number 3. Claire is a regular in Thredbo now and Pete is a resident so it was great to be able to spend this time with them and hear all their insider stories. Abi loves taking over as family photographer these days too......

That night Abi enjoyed teaching Claire how to play the Monopoly card game. I was amazed at how much Abi knew as we had only just taught her the game the day before!
The girls enjoy playing the game but sometimes I wonder if it is the best thing for their respective competitive streaks (and sibling rivalries). Thankfully the game with Claire was very smooth sailing......
Meanwhile, outside the weather was doing this.................
Luckily, the pouring rain didn't stop us enjoying a meal together that night at Cascades Restaurant at the Alpine Hotel.

Despite predictions, a weakish sun came out this morning, and no rain in sight. The girls voted to spend the morning in the park, for more time on their beloved trampolines.

Rob captured a lot of amazing moves on video....
And we could only admire ........
Lunch on the last day of our October weekend at Thredbo is always at Wild Brumby - the Schnapps Gin and Vodka Distillery and German inspired Cafe just 20 minutes drive out of Thredbo.

Abi loves coming here and always makes a beeline for this poor old "horse" - it's looking more weather beaten every time we visit, but Abi doesn't mind.

Then it's a run around the property to find...........
.... the resident bulls. Abi has them all named.
She calls this big boy "Airspacer" .........

He's truly MASSIVE (and that fence looked very flimsy when he stood up at full height) ......
With all the animals accounted for it's time for lunch ......
Once again Abi attacked her meal, and her Dad's dessert too (but no teeth were lost this time) ....

While this beautiful girl remains the quiet achiever, as always ..........


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