Friday, October 9, 2020

Another birthday

My birthday this year coincided with the delivery of our new car - great timing for Rob - what a present!

We were struck by the fuss they make of a new car delivery these days - very social media focussed (and just a bit cheesy?).

And here it is... woohoo!
It's going to be our road trip car - higher off the road, plenty of room for us and our gear, and all the new gizmos to make long trips more effortless. This will be our new COVID normal - travelling by car to see this wide brown land of ours (well NSW at least!).

Our first test drive last Sunday was out to Collector on the Federal Highway to the Fedra Olive Grove - for lunch. So far Rob has most of the car's basic functions worked out, but it may take us years to get our heads around all the high tech features.

This was our view from the cafe - a stunning Spring day with everything looking so green, and the canola crop in the background of this picture looking like a splash of sunshine in the distant paddock........

Cars have been quite the theme around here for a while - our friend David has got himself a "new" Mercedes convertible. It makes quite a splash when he parks it at the Fyshwick Markets for our weekly marketing and coffee catch up. I was lucky to score a ride home from the markets in it last week. I was wishing I had my Grace Kelly scarf for the occasion.

It's school holiday time here and we've loved having Ella and Abi over at the apartment with us for a few days. Abi did some cooking - while sitting on the kitchen bench (the rules are different here!!).
And Ella worked with me in creating some beautiful new art work for her bedroom decor makeover.....

Abi is still madly in love with everything horse related and when she can't be on or with the real thing she is drawing/painting them, reading about them, watching TV shows about them ...or visiting the magnificent Light Horsemen of the Boer War Memorial over the road from us.......
or riding "Polly" in her backyard while dreaming of Romeo, Wally, Sparkles, Tinker, Alice or Pumpkin back at Forest Park.......
It's been a pretty special birthday week for me!

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