Getting the mix into the patty pan was the most fraught time - and we had to do it all so quickly!!
After admiring Juan the Spanish sparky do his usual careful job of installing some more lights at 8/85 we took the opportunity on Friday to see the other Spaniard... the Picasso exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW, drawn from the collection of the Musee National Picasso in Paris.
We were lucky enough to visit the beautiful Musee National Picasso in Paris back in 2005 (wasn't Rob's hair long then?) but it was still good to see this carefully curated collection of work in the NSW gallery spaces. Visitor entry is timed so there was plenty of space to view the work - and not the hordes of school children like there were in Paris. I think the beautiful bronzes were my favourites in this exhibition (we'd loved them in Paris too!).
Saturday morning we visited the Eveleigh Farmer's Market in Darlington and had our breakfast prepared by Kylie Kwong - steamed savoury pancakes with organic egg and veg and organic pork dumplings with ginger tamari. This breakfast was worth the trip to the markets...such a thrill..... as it is so difficult to find a seat for a full meal at Kylie's Billy Kwong restaurant in Surrey Hills.
And seeing k.d. Lang and Sass Bang Boom on Saturday night was just wonderful too. She was in fine form.....very relaxed, gently whimsical and funny...and that amazing voice and musicality.
We loved the audience too......lots of female couples, very stylishly dressed. The word is that more men are starting to come to her concerts in Australia this time around. My guess is that a lot of men here (especially older men) are only just coming to terms with the gender bending aspects of k.d. Lang's persona. Go k.d., go Kylie, I say (and go cupcakes for that matter too)!!
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