Ella came to lunch yesterday with J&J. She had a big feed, a short doze, had some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa and then christened her new change table (the one at our house) after filling her nappy with a big poo. J&J & little E are all travelling very well, with Josh back at work this week. Ella even lets Jody get a reasonable amount of sleep at night. Jody is starting to feel well again and was able to have some good walks with baby Ella this week (and Nellie the Beagle in tow).
J&J & little E were not able to stay on for an early soup dinner with Claire & Jeremy, Mum and big O and little A as they had another gig to go to. The big O is recovering well from his eye operation last week and looks much more lively. Little A is starting to roll, twist and crawl around the floor and is looking strong enough to pull himself up on furniture. We had a fun few hours and covered a lot of territory: from buying indigenous art (Papunya Tula-Ningura Napuralla) on ebay, Wakakirri dramas (at school), Bali holidays at Xmas, & discussions about the rest of the family, with the boys working through all their pet projects at our house (trains, Indonesian puppets, drawing, guitars and reading books).
After all the previous day's excitement Rob & I had a quiet Sunday. Rob took Nellie the Beagle for a long early morning walk. He then picked me up for a brisk walk up to the Farmer's Market on Ainsworth Street get a supply of our fave Pink Lady apples.
I wasted a lot of time on this sunny warmish Sunday trawling through websites planning our trip to France (still over a year away) while Rob was a lot more productive doing chores outside. Josh rang me this afternoon. He & J & little E had just been to lunch at Double Shot. Ella slept though the whole event. They called in at Mum's, hoping to show off little E afterwards but unfortunately Mum was out.
After all the previous day's excitement Rob & I had a quiet Sunday. Rob took Nellie the Beagle for a long early morning walk. He then picked me up for a brisk walk up to the Farmer's Market on Ainsworth Street get a supply of our fave Pink Lady apples.
I wasted a lot of time on this sunny warmish Sunday trawling through websites planning our trip to France (still over a year away) while Rob was a lot more productive doing chores outside. Josh rang me this afternoon. He & J & little E had just been to lunch at Double Shot. Ella slept though the whole event. They called in at Mum's, hoping to show off little E afterwards but unfortunately Mum was out.
Great installment Judy! Amazing that Angus has almost got his movement sorted. The last time I saw him he only could only do 'the twist'. Surely he'll be doing 'the monkey', 'the mashed potato' and 'the bird' in no time. Lets hope he avoids learning 'the flop' - Clairey would have conniptions.
Ella looks beautiful, great to see her with her eyes open. Good news also that Jody is starting to get her groove back, and that Ella is a sleeping well. I remember how much trouble C&J had with Angus initially! To think that all he needed was some hippy food.
Miss you guys and look forward to seeing you in two weeks time.
Very impressed with your "Nanna" blog Judy, although I am very disappointed that you have not included links to any r rated sites, such as those posted by my brother. You should lift your game!!!!!
Seriously though, I am very much enjoying this keep it up!
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