Saturday morning brunch - we are all excited - welcome back to Maxie & Rod after their second wonderful holiday in Turkey, time to say hello (and goodbye, sadly) to Dayv, heading off to Thailand then London, Brussels, Paris, Nice........... on 27 June for who knows how long, hello to Erin who we haven't seen for a while, and another chance to catch up with the boys (Goosy and Olay) and our beautiful grand daughter Ella P.

Dayv is counting down the days until he goes OS. We loved his look: lime shoes picking up the lime stripe in the zip up top, the T shirt; we were reminded of good times in the 80s when every story he and Josh told was about something "Rad". We were so disappointed to see the fate of his treasured record covers, fallen victim to the leaky, broken down removal van.
Olay stayed busy all morning, learning chords and hanging out with the boys, who he much prefers to all females, except for his darling Mummy.
Ella met Maxie, Rod, Dayv and Erin for the first time. She was very cool about all the excitement. She had slept through the night for the first time on Friday night and still seemed very sleepy doing brunch. She loves her darling Mummy too! She is four weeks old on Monday 18 June (Happy birthday Ros!).
Goosy fought against it all morning-even defying Claire's usual strategy of sitting him in the rocker under the bathroom exhaust fan. He finally caved in on Granny's lap and snoozed for over 20 minutes, a long sleep for Goosy.
Josh & Jeremy, the world's most handsome young Dads, focus on what we are really here for - brunch!
Sunday morning Rob & I got up early so we could take Nellie the Beagle for a long, tiring walk. We enjoyed the cold, clear, beautiful, winter Canberra morning after a damp, miserable week with some unprecedented snowfalls around the Bungendore district.
Afterwards, drinking tea around the table with J&J and baby Ella we could swear that Ella was really looking at us and considering an interaction.
I am going to Tasmania for three days this week: a study tour of some Hobart schools who use ICT in innovative ways - so there is lots of homework to be done this weekend to make up for my days away from school.
1 comment:
Hey Judy!
It was great seeing you guys that morning too, as always.
It's my last day of work at the Gallery, and 5 days to go before I hit the road.
Lots of love and talk to you soon! Hope that Tasmania was insightful.
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