Tuesday, August 6, 2024

More Young Ones

Our Canberra winter continues - but at least we've seen more of the sun over the last few weeks bringing us some beautiful clear sky days. 

This may well be our last photo of Ringo, with Abi, out at Redlands, taken a week ago. What a cracker shot Rob captured just as the sun was setting!
There are mobs of kangaroos everywhere, busy munching away at the winter grasses. The top horse paddock was filled with them as we drove into Redlands last week. They must have been hungry as there's not much grass left after Ringo and his mates have been munching on it all day.
The next morning we walked up Mt Ainslie and the kangaroos were feeding right next to the walking track - not fazed at all by the early morning hikers. The kangaroo nearest me had a very mature joey in her pouch.
And small miracle - there was significant progress with the Coogee windows last week too. The big new frames have arrived (no easy feat bringing them up to the third floor) and all beautifully painted ready for the install. 
And the kitchen sashes are finally in ...... We have waited a long time for this!
We got to have a dinner date with Ella and Abi at the end of last week - at their favourite Japanese restaurant - a wonderful way to end the week and catch up with all their news (and there was a LOT!)
On Sunday night we had a another lovely dinner date with Angus - of Bodyshirtttt fame. He loves Japanese food too so we introduced him to our Campbell local "Maji". We were all impressed with the refined, delicious food - and so much of it too.

We feel very fortunate to share the company of these beautiful, thoughtful, creative and very funny (and sometimes hungry) young ones, who are growing up so fast.

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