Monday, August 26, 2024

Coogee construction zone

We visited Coogee twice in the last week or so .. there is so much going on .. AT LAST!

We remember how our unit looked in this pic taken at the end of July.........   
And two weeks later ... the new windows are in ... and looking beautiful!
But there was some collateral damage. The brickwork above our new living room window did not survive its first significant disturbance in almost 100 years. We'll be up for some serious repair work here and then a complete new paint job on the surrounding walls.
The bedroom wall was not nearly as damaged - and the new window there looks just great!
There was some damage to the kitchen cupboards next to the new window (small loss) but the new window is definitely worth it.
We met up with Joey our painter in Coogee last Friday and chose the final colour for our wall repaint from this short list. (We picked the lower colour of these two - Dulux Hammer Grey).
When we were in Coogee the week before, on the way back from our Q'ld stay, our Carrington Road footpath looked like this - a serious construction site!

And 6 days later it looked like this ..... very raw and very new, but transformed!

Rob and I are especially happy about this outcome as we've been pressuring Randwick Council to fix our footpath for about two years now. We took this photo (and many others) in mid March this year to show Council how bad our footpath had got.
And there's more ........

This picture was not taken in our unit but in the now demolished bathroom of our neighbours in unit 7 (awaiting a complete renovation). We're really hoping that our bathroom (a mirror image of this one) will be next on the list!
And finally back in Canberra, everything is very neat and tidy around the lake, construction sites are out of sight, behind closed doors (and fences) and Spring is definitely in the air. 

We were rewarded with this view of the Prunus grove near Blundell's Cottage on our lake walk at the weekend.

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