Monday, June 3, 2024

A week in NE London

We were lucky to hang out with Ivy for a few days of her half term break last week. The weather wasn't great but we still found plenty to do around their 'hood (South Woodford). We went for a l-o-n-g walk with her on the first day ........
..... passing by Ivy's school on the way - not a welcome sight for Ivy in her half term break.........
..... and a stop off at the local public library. Ivy is a keen and very proficient reader! 
We had lots of time with her at home too - where there's lots to do ........

The local Tipi Coffee Co. did well out of us this week .........

..... and no matter the weather there were regular walks to Gregg's for a lunchtime sausage roll for Eddie.
Thursday night we all met up with Cath at Sticks & Sushi in Shoreditch for a memorable meal - we all loved.
Saturday morning we were able to go with Ed and Davey to Yonder (rock climbing gym) in nearby Walthamstow, for a bit of a workout (for them, not for us).
It was an eye opener for us to see this amazing facility and to see how confident and able Ed is as he approaches each climb.

We all thought Davey (Belly) performed very near as well as that shirtless climber on the left in the picture below!
An amazing place!

Saturday afternoon Davey drove us all the way out to the Ingatestone Saddlery Centre about a 50 minute drive away in Essex - a very big time commitment on his and Cath's part but a very popular move for Ivy and me ...... a wonderful chance to see the amazing array of horse related goods that are available to English riders (and lovers of everything horse related).
Ivy was happy with her Le Mieux purchase for Max and I am hoping Abi will be happy with our Le Mieux purchases for her (not Ringo!).
We have had some warmer weather too .....
Especially yesterday (Sunday) which was absolute perfection - a dream summer day - 22oC max, cloudless skies, no wind. We all enjoyed chilling out, for hours, in this perfect garden (including Mikey the cat).
Rob and I took a walk in the afternoon to find Epping Forest. We found the southern tip of it and it was lovely - but you'd need much longer to see more of it. Its a very extensive forest! 

We ended the day with a bar - b - que - still in perfect conditions!
It was lovely to see Ed so involved in the final food prep. We had such a happy end to a perfect Sunday.
This morning it was back to school for the final term ........
..... and it was our last full day in London!! We headed to Brick Lane this morning - and were surprised to see it completely without life apart from on this corner where they were shooting something - a film, an ad perhaps??
We noted Cath's workplace as we headed down towards the Spitalfield Markets and the high street shops along Commercial Street.

We ended up doing our last minute gift shopping in Oxford Street, navigating the Underground and lots of walking in the process. London shopping is tiring for us and it was a relief to return to South Woodford and walk with Davey to pick up Ivy at the end of the school day. we have been so lucky to share this time with them.

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