Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Spring days

September has seen the launch of the Yes Campaign across Australia and a chance for Rob and me to show our support on our regular walks (me being wheeled) around the lake in the Spring sunshine.
We get quite a few thumbs up along the way but we were especially thrilled to be joined by a young Aboriginal woman (Joy) and her uncle over coffee at Margot's one Saturday for a really long chat about the referendum and the impact of the bruising media coverage on their mob. The fact we were a pair of older white Australians obviously showing our support for the referendum made Joy feel safe to come and have a chat with us (that's what she told us!). Surveys are showing older Australians are the least supportive group of the Yes campaign at this stage.
After 6 weeks post-op I was given my final walking orders last Thursday by the surgeon. My feet are healed enough to start normal walking! But I was nowhere near ready to walk the nearly 8 klm for the "Walk for Yes" march last Sunday in Canberra. So Rob wheeled me around the course - the whole way - a mammoth effort for him!!

I love my fellow Ken Behrens (thousands of them marched on Sunday, including lots of families and kids!)

The weather is warming up fast here - probably a bit too fast - but it was lovely to get outside with the girls last week after school and admire them playing with a football. The first time they've done that after months and months of cold damp winter days.

Through sheer luck the timing of my surgery has been perfect. During recovery, our morning "walks" and coffees by the lake have been an absolute joy especially as the Spring blossoms have reached their peak. I'll have recurrent swelling in my feet for the next few months and my toes are still too stiff to get back into most of my shoes as yet so it will be a while before I can be at my walking best - but hopefully it's not too long to go!
Unlike the quiet time we've had Ella and Abi have had a HUGE month. Abi's had two big weekend Pony Club events and lots of mid-week training and prep especially for the show jumping events! She and Ringo did extremely well (of course) - they are Geary's Gap Pony Club champions!
Ella's had two big Canberra wide Gymnastics Competitions this month too. Last Sunday was the big one and a very successful one for Ella. She gained first place on the (scary) beam event and second place over all (Level 10). She has really put in a lot of hard work, training and mind control into her Gymnastics in the last few years and really deserves this success.

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