Sunday, September 15, 2019

Walking Ubud

Ubud is a great walking town - once you get used to the narrow footpaths and negotiating around life happening on the streets. We headed up to crowded Jalan Raya Ubud on Sunday morning ..........
 ...... then headed North to the relative quiet of arty Jalan Kejang ........
 ..... and further on into much quieter spaces ...........

 We love the way that despite the crowds in town you are never far from rural life in Ubud.

 A very quiet spot in the rice fields for one of Ubud's popular cooking schools ...

 Some scenes that have probably remained unchanged for hundreds of years ....

 The tracks through the rice fields eventually led us back to Jalan Raya Ubud, close enough to where it crosses with Jalan Bisma to justify heading to Umah Pizza for one of their wood fired pizzas for lunch (Rob is happy) ......
 We spent a lovely late afternoon around Cendana's pool ......
 There's a bunch of very earnest Americans staying at Cendana "on a retreat". They spent the afternoon on the top floor of the dining pavilion meditating - which was fine - but just as the sun started getting low they set off on a rhythmical singing and clapping cycle that lasted over half n hour - which spoilt the ambience a bit for us. Prior to this we've been amused at the way the Americans have embraced traditional Balinese clothing and accessories (although a bit hit and  miss). I guess they are here to find their Eat Pray Love experience.
 Far from being spiritually uplifted ourselves we went for an evening walk down Monkey Forest Road - and ended up at "Elixir" one of the many new upmarket and Instagrammable places we've seen pop up in Ubud since our last visit in 2016 to enjoy a cocktail and listen to a bit of live Jazz on a mellow Sunday evening.
 And Rob did Instagram it - he did!
 Such a beautiful evening in Ubud - under a full moon ......

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