Sunday, April 28, 2019

Flipped out!

Us and the girls have seen a bit of this space in Hume over the weekend......
Josh and Jody have been working on some DIY goals for a few days while we entertained the girls for a few hours each day (actually, they entertained us!). A few sessions at Flip Out ticked all the boxes for the girls, to burn off some of their end of holidays energy. 

 A few socks were lost in the foam pits .......

 As well as Flip Out sessions we did cooking (and eating), a bit of jewellery making, some play in the park and lots of laughter at our fave Georgia Productions on YouTube. We even fitted in a walk to Aspen Island this morning, so Abi could feed some ducks. But the seagulls were the only ones around today as it turned out.

 This beautiful girl still allows me to take her portrait - a rare opportunity to capture Ella the right way up!
  Instead of in her preferred position these days ………..

 And now Abi is on the same team as well .........
There were flocks of these birds shrieking around the trees on Aspen Island while we were there - I've not seen them before. They're a type of cockatoo - but not sulphur crested - maybe it's a corella??
 Ella and Abi picked some great backdrops for their beautiful body moves this morning!

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