Sunday, February 20, 2022

Abi's tenth birthday

We celebrated Abi's tenth birthday quietly yesterday. COVID is raging through all the schools and its not the right timing for spreading the joy through more partying. But we were lucky to be included in the "quiet" family celebration yesterday.

All new horse riding gear went over well with the birthday girl, as well as her ears getting pierced!

Ella and Abi still play together a lot - mostly harmoniously, as they are both very well coordinated and cooperate well (mostly) in physical activity. I am so glad these days they don't expect us to join them in these games.

Abi ordered her favourite takeaway birthday meal - Thai (of course)!!
And Ella had made Abi the most extraordinary birthday cake ... based on the theme of "taking the horses to the beach" - combining two of Abi's favourite things. Yes this is a cake - decorated with icing (the grass), handmade honeycomb (the beach) and jelly (the water) - an absolutely amazing cake, and completely original!!!

although tricky to cut and serve .......
As part of the fun yesterday we looked at a slide show (thanks Ella) of favourite pics of Abi taken over the last decade. It was fantastic to see her emerging personality and passions over that time. What a character this girl is - we're so lucky to know her. Here's to being 10 Abi girl!

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