Sunday, December 8, 2019

Bright spots

The "bright spots" in our life have been even more important than ever over the past month or so. One of these bright spots has been seeing Abi's passion for horses and horse riding start to develop into a full blown love affair!

In mid November we took her shopping for her own helmet, riding boots and pants - so much better than the borrowed stuff from the riding school!

The girl who usually says no to having her picture taken was very keen to have this shot taken (in her new helmet) - sitting on top of a saddle stand!
 And we could see many gift ideas for the future too - here at "Horseland" at Fyshwick.
 Abi rode so much better at her next lesson - all decked out in her new gear. "Tinsel" is one of the prettiest ponies in the class - and perfectly matched to Abi's proportions and capabilities.

 We love the way Abi's pony tail is always perfectly co-ordinated with her pony's tail!

 The kids have learnt how to set up their own stirrups (and then shorten them at the end of the ride).
 The riding school provides a chance to make friends too with "kindred spirits"!

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