because today is feeling like summer may be around the corner, after weeks of cool, wet Spring weather (Canberra's wettest year in 11 years and our dams are just over 90% full - yay!).and because our garden is looking it's Summer best with plenty of red flowers for Christmas bunches: gorgeous callistemon......
and those hardy old rose bushes I held on to throughout the worst years of the drought,
including the Scarlet Queen Elizabeth rose, one of the few plants we kept from the house's original garden, which helps to explain its very 60s-70s brashness and monarchist references. I've never seen it look so healthy as it does this season.
and because all those end of year events are unfolding: parties and dinners and festive outfits to plan, the December birthdays to celebrate, present shopping, and a quick visit from London Davey to liven up the pre-Christmas preparation.
It's also time for the end of year performances for students studying the Suzuki method (piano). Sophie successfully completed her Book 3 this year and entertained us on Saturday afternoon with a beautiful performance of 7 classical pieces played meticulously on the baby grand.
I always remember Thomas in the same circumstances would sometimes fit in his concerts in between long bike rides and sweaty ball games so it was very special that Sophie dressed so beautifully for the stage. Proving her versatility she and friend T. had a complete wardrobe change straight after, ready for the next event on their social calendar, a friend's twelfth birthday "Hollywood" theme party.
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