Monday, September 30, 2024

Sam's the One!

After a few months of searching, a few false starts, and some disappointments and stresses along the way, Abi now has her own horse! 

Sam the 5 year old, 14.1 hh, light bay Welsh/Anglo pony finally joined the family last Thursday - delivered to his beautiful new agistment out at Freshford Equestrian Centre near Point Hut Crossing out the back of Tuggeranong. He'll be quarantined in a special paddock there for two weeks before he's able to move into his (overnight) stable and join the other horses out in the main paddocks when he's not spending time with Abi.

We met Sam for the first time on Sunday out at Freshford, after picking up his brand new saddle from Fyshwick. It was so lovely to see him running up to meet Abi when she arrived. He was so excited to see her; no need for a lead rope here!! 
He was actually excited to meet the whole family...
.. and he had no objections to his new pink halter .....

He doesn't like the expensive horsey treats - carrots are his favourite!
He had no problems with the classy new bridle either!
What a pair of cuties!
The property is beautiful in its wild, expansive Australian bush setting, sited at the foot of a mountain range. This old wombat is obviously used to horsey people being around the paddocks here. It didn't seem to care how close I got to get this pic.
Sam using up a bit of his 5 year old energy in the lunging ring....
... and trying on the new saddle for size .... Verdict: saddle is perfect size but a smaller girth strap is needed (add that to the already pretty extensive shopping list!)
... and back to the "hospital paddock" for Sam ......

It has been so wonderful, so rewarding, to share in Abi's happiness and excitement - here's to all the Sam love and adventures ahead!!

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