Sunday, July 17, 2022

COVID strikes again

Yes its been Rob's turn this week - three days of scratchy throat and developing cold symptoms (and three negative RATS) developed into full blown flu like symptoms and this positive RAT test last Tuesday morning. One positive PCR test later and we were in full iso mode for the week.

Rob has been quite ill (like the worst flu he's ever experienced he says!), but he's been on the anti virals since last Thursday and is recovering fast now, thank goodness.

We had a four day break in Melbourne booked for last week too so it took most of a day to unbook and unpick all the hotel, galley, restaurant and theatre bookings we’d carefully made, to say nothing of the old friends we’d made plans to catch up with after a long absence. And we thought we’d kicked our border crossing bad karma after successfully making it to Cairns  last month!

We’ve also been planning a Margaret River WA trip for August. It’s making me nervous already! What will go wrong this time?

But we're lucky we live in a roomy apartment, sunny and warm, with lots of windows we can open to disperse the virus and plenty of Internet, streaming services and devices to keep us entertained. Around my patient care duties I have gone back to working on my latest photo book in the long hours I have available ("Two Visits to India in 2013 and 2018"). We've just had delivered my book on Dad's family story - a project that has taken almost a year involving a huge photo/slide scanning effort and family history research. I'm pleased with the result and there will be a copy for each of Stan's grandchildren, who never got to know him very well, regrettably.

That's seven photobooks I've made since 2020 now - at least one silver lining of Covid lockdowns etc!  

And thank goodness for FaceTime too - an hour with these lovelies works magic in keeping the spirits up in Covid iso!


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