Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Another week

Ok, so its 7 weeks we've been in lockdown now - but there's an end in sight - two more weeks and things will start to ease up a bit here in Canberra. We'll even be able to get haircuts yay!

And there's even a few little bonuses from midnight tonight: we'll be able to have two visitors at our homes and spend 4 hours in outdoor recreation. We can even give our local parks a break as our national parks and reserves are opening up too.

But for the past week or so of school holidays we've just been doing more of the same, same same - hours spent in our local parks with the girls and picnic lunches to break up the routine. Lots of fun actually - we're lucky to have seen so much of the girls.

We've spent hours and hours at Fadden Pines Park - its got the best equipment (and great BMX tracks).

Ella amazes all onlookers when she makes it up to the top of this flagpole (it takes a lot of strength and technique!)

This tree on Gowrie Oval is a real attraction too - a grand old eucalypt; how many years has it seen?
Abi's learning how high she can climb ....

There are spring bulbs popping up everywhere too - another lockdown joy. Abi liked the way these tulips matched her new mask.
Last week's picnic lunch together was in Weston Park. We found a sheltered spot down near the lake edge, a bit protected from that day's fierce winds
Abi's new slime package was a bit of a distraction for her ....
This weeks' lunch spot was in our Hassett Park - along with all the local children, pet dogs and other picnickers. This park has been a godsend in lockdown for all us Campbell apartment dwellers. At the weekends it has hundreds of people in it, mostly having picnics and supporting our local coffee and wine bars, the bakery and the pub - all offering takeaway now. Even when lockdown is finished it would be great to see people using the park this way even more.

And a big tick from these two for the gi-normous donut and caramel slice Rob bought them from one of the local cafe/bakeries!

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