Tuesday, August 31, 2021

No changes here

We've been in lockdown almost three weeks now, and just heard today it's being extended for another two, until the 17 September! I'm sure no one around here was surprised to hear that, with cases still cropping up out of nowhere here in Canberra and the virus still spreading around regional NSW.

We're both sitting pretty here in Campbell with nowhere to go and plenty of time to do it in. We love our one hour walk every day (and we've heard that we can do two hours of outdoor recreation from now on!!) and the fact that early signs of Spring are bursting forth everywhere gives us plenty of joy.

I took pictures of my favourite wattles in bloom on our Mt Pleasant walk last week.......

And luckily, we never tire of our favourite lake walk; there's sometimes even a (COVID safe) celebrity sighting as a bonus...

We had a few days of rain and all of a sudden the Prunus blossoms were out .....

And another day or two and it was looking like this ............
One magical morning the coffee cart was open near the carillon so we were able to enjoy our morning coffee on Aspen Island. Small changes in our routine like this seem very exciting and special at the moment!!
For the rest of the day we find things to do ....... Facetime with the girls is always a highlight (especially when Abi does her reading with us). And I have embarked on digitising our travel photos and journals from all the trips we've done over the years. This was always going to be a "one day" job. So far I have managed to convert this .......
into these 5 bound books ....... over the past 12 months or so of COVID (with one more book on our first 6 visits to Bali and Lombok in for printing atm). It's a big job but I am enjoying immersing myself in our travels again - and realising how lucky we were to see and experience as much as we have. Who knows how overseas travel will look in the future?
I'm doing some sewing projects too - lots of masks and anything else I can think of to use up fabric in the stash.
We've having a break from the sourdough breadmaking for a while and trying to keep the extra kilos it caused at bay. Rob is spending lots of time with his new keyboard instead and enjoys his lessons which are now conducted via Zoom. How would we be handling this without the benefit of the Internet and all our devices?

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