Monday, August 19, 2013

Highs and lows

It started off as another week of good things, including early signs of Spring in the air. The sun is higher in the sky when I go for my morning walks and the sight of our resident kangaroo mob enjoying breakfast each morning, over the road from us, brings me great joy!

We enjoyed some "stolen time" during the week, seeing the wonderful "Turner from the Tate" exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia and then a movie afterwards at our favourite Palace Electric Cinema at Nishi (Behind the Candelabra - highly recommended!). Then it was our usual lunch with all the available girls on Thursday.  The only time I can get a pic of Abi at our house, sitting still, is when we play cubby houses with our vintage Campaign armchairs - upended!

Our week changed course however a bit after midnight on Saturday morning when we got the call that Mum (Granny K) had had a fall and was being taken to hospital.  Her femur had broken in the fall, unfortunately, but she has survived an operation (miraculously) on Sunday afternoon to have the bone pinned and plated together. This is HUGE for a 99 year old lady..and it is hard for us to see her suffering when she is already such a great age. She is very brave however and works hard to keep her spirits strong.

While the operation was in progress on Sunday afternoon we were lucky to be diverted with some precious playtime with the girls. Bubbles and bathtime presented me with the second chance in a week to take a pic of Abi sitting (relatively) still.

Ella was getting Abi to run though her rapidly expanding vocabulary for me: Mumma, Dadda, Grandpa, dog, purple, Pepa Pig etc etc while I clicked CUTE!

And then we arrived home late in the afternoon on Sunday and, over the road, our kangaroo family was there to greet us.

We saw Mum last night, after her miraculous stint on the operating table, and she was feeling "on a high". Unfortunately that didn't last much longer than a few hours and the reality of her situation has really hit her (and us) today.


davey said...

Mum told me all about the stressful day you all had Sunday - glad the girls could keep your mind off it for a while. Give Granny all our love xx

davey said...

Mum told me all about the stressful day you all had Sunday - glad the girls could keep your mind off it for a while. Give Granny all our love xx

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS bath photos!!!