We celebrated our first ever public holiday for the Melbourne Cup last week. We drank champagne, ate chicken, ran an in house sweep and tried to rekindle a bit of the old spirit around Melbourne Cup day in this year of the equine flu virus (EFV).
Ollie learnt about the difference between "the" favourite as opposed to the familiar "my" favourite when he drew Master O'Reilly in the sweep. Little A strutted around the house exercising his two week old walking skills in between being very interested in Rob's vintage Matchbox car collection. Little E smiled a lot and observed everything intently.
Josh lent us the ute for the weekend so we could transport another table up to Coogee. It went like a rocket up the highway. The table fitted the space in the kitchen perfectly and will join with our other one to make a larger square table when needed.
The ute looked right at home parked outside the mansions of Dudley St. We took it for another ride on Sunday morning to Rhodes Ikea to pick up a wall unit for J&J. Rob survived our two hours there without getting PTSD like he did last time.
This is Ella at about 7.00pm on Sunday evening - usually a time when babies get a bit crabby - but not our Miss Peach (Piarchay).
Ollie learnt about the difference between "the" favourite as opposed to the familiar "my" favourite when he drew Master O'Reilly in the sweep. Little A strutted around the house exercising his two week old walking skills in between being very interested in Rob's vintage Matchbox car collection. Little E smiled a lot and observed everything intently.
Josh lent us the ute for the weekend so we could transport another table up to Coogee. It went like a rocket up the highway. The table fitted the space in the kitchen perfectly and will join with our other one to make a larger square table when needed.
Everyone stopped in their tracks at 11.00am of the 11th for a short Remembrance ceremony conducted over the Ikea loudspeakers. It was kinda bizarre. It didn't have the respectful ambience I needed - but full marks to Ikea for attempting it. We picked up a rug for the apartment at the same time.
The Victorian mansion over the road from our apartment goes up for auction this Tuesday evening.
The Victorian mansion over the road from our apartment goes up for auction this Tuesday evening.
1 comment:
Ella is growing so fast Judy! Lovely to hear about the boys too. I wonder if Ollie just let 'the favourite' explanation go, assuming that everyone shared whatever favourite he decided to chose? Doesn't really sound like Ollie to let pass an intellectual argument tho.
Hope you're both well and enjoying the coming of summer. I'm very jealous by the way, although we've had quite a nice run here recently. We even managed to go wild mushroom hunting in Wales last weekend with Jess & Johnny and her dad. We found Bluits, Field, and Parasol mushrooms.
Bluits. Ha. What an English name. I assume its origins are thus:
"Oo Blimey." (retrieves large blue tinged mushroom) "Whaddya call this then Bev?"
"Well, its Blue, innit."
"Blue it?"
Us Aussies can't talk though. I'm sure we would have dubbed it a 'Bluey'.
(reserves right to blog about this later)
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